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  Our so-called leaders actually helped make the collapse happen. They destroyed our wonderful country and let the President become a dictator using Executive Order 13603. It was all for greed and power.

  Under this Executive Order, everything belongs to the government. Your property, money, guns, and family are being taken. They tell you where to live and work for the betterment of the State. Much to my dismay, we have gone from being the USA to the USSA (United Socialist States of America). It’s a downhill spiral that has plunged our country into deep depression, causing even good people to resort to robbery and violence.

  Years before, things were not making much sense, especially when the government took control of the news media. It became state owned so the only news we received was what the Federal Government wanted us to see. Back in 2013, the NSA started to tap our phones, read our emails, and our Facebook pages. We were all being watched, we were all suspected of doing something wrong, we were all having our Bill of Rights violated in the name of government security, and no one did anything about it.

  Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”

  Unemployment shot up to 55% and everyone knew that things were changing as more and more acts of violence were reported across the nation. Riots, robberies, shootings, explosions, and even attacks on police stations were common. Some states called up the National Guard to help maintain control as desperate people do desperate things. Just driving to the grocery store was becoming dangerous. You needed to carry a gun for safety or your trip to the store could end up being your last.

  Our currency became worthless due to inflation and the government closed all the banks to stop bank runs. A loaf of bread went to a $100 and milk to $150 per gallon, if you can find it. People have run out of money and even if they have any in the bank, they can’t get it. Savings accounts were wiped out and if you had any gold or silver in the bank forget it, the doors are locked. The government is taking it all because the country is bankrupt.

  For many years, illegal aliens have been coming across the border from Mexico. But not all the people are hardworking Mexicans looking for a job. The fact is, many of those crossing the border are from the Middle East and are related to Islamic radical terrorist groups. How do I know this? Because the US Government has admitted that every year several thousand manage to sneak into the USA.

  In addition, the gangs and cartels that smuggle dope were also making inroads into the US selling their crap to whatever idiots would buy it. These gangs have turf wars and during their wars they don’t care who they rob or kill. Then there is the drug user who robs and kills to get money to pay for his habit. Finally, we have the radical groups, like the Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, al-Qaida, ISIS, and gangs of all sorts. Everyone is trying to take what you have. People will kill you and steal your property. If you are weak, then you will die.

  The government is now controlling the food and there are food lines at every store. You must wait for hours to obtain any food. If you can buy food it’s only enough for a few days. You can’t feed your family on a loaf of bread. Fresh vegetables and fruit cannot be found.

  Our once great healthcare system also came under control of the government. Now we have very few doctors to treat the ill. Hospitals have closed and no one wants to work at them because conditions are terrible. The pay is far below standard wage. Basically our healthcare system is no better than that of a third world country.

  Can we change what we’ve become? There’s no country to help us as they’ve all failed. We’re the last hope of free mankind. We cannot forget the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and the fact we are One Nation under God.


  Riding along, on our way to Comanche Nation, it occurred to me that now we know what the American Indians felt like. If anyone got a raw deal it was the Indians. They had their lands and homes taken from them by the government. The government lied to them and broke treaty after treaty. Now we were brothers, so to speak, because we are sharing the same misery brought on by the government.

  “I hear tell, that stupid President tried to give Florida to China, to pay the money we owe them. Is that true?” Walker asked.

  I replied, “Yeah, that’s right. The President was a traitor. We fought off landing parties of Chinese Marines. They had special combat suits which made them invisible. They finally gave up when they lost most of their men trying to gain a foot hold in Florida.”

  China now holds 55 percent of all U.S. debt. It is the largest holder of all U.S. debt. If the United States cannot repay the debt in an international currency or gold, then China could demand payment in tangible property, such as real estate. The President signed an illegal agreement and gave Florida to China, because they wanted the oil resources.

  If you check history, many lands were sold or given as payment of debt. The United States took over Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico after the Mexican-American War as payment. We purchased Alaska from Russia. The U.S. purchased land from France in a deal called the Louisiana Purchase. Spain ceded Florida to the United States in 1821.

  “If they were Invisible, how did ya kill them?”

  “We found out, they weren’t that invisible. We could detect them with lasers. Another big factor was their invisible suits weren’t air conditioned so they couldn’t take the Florida heat. The sun literally cooked them.”

  Walker gave a chuckle. “Do our Special Forces have anything like that?”

  “Yeah. They have Invisible suits and Talos Warrior units.”

  “What the hell’s a Talos Warrior unit?”

  “Putting it simply, it’s a suit that turns a man into an Iron Man, but he can’t fly.”

  “I’d like to see one of those.”

  An idea came to life in modern days as a comic book and movie called Iron Man. A man invents a suit of armor and becomes indestructible. In 2011 the Army started a program called TALOS. The Army now has the exoskeleton TALOS combat units that are used from time to time for extremely dangerous missions. These TALOS units have developed into fully armored protective suits that a soldier steps into and becomes Iron man. The only difference is the soldier cannot fly.

  Using the most recent model, a soldier can run at 20 miles per hour all day. They can carry heavy items like big 50 caliber machine guns and 500 rounds of ammunition at the same time. They pinpoint the target and fire by eye movement and brain waves. The most important advantage is one can walk through a hail of bullets and not even get a scratch.

  A new type of reactive armor has been developed that is more or less painted on top of lightweight thin titanium alloy and beryllium metal, all covered with sheets of Kevlar 10 embedded with a Boron/Silicon Carbide ceramic. The paint is a kind of plastic foam that absorbs energy and behaves like reactive armor. When it is impacted by a high kinetic , it explodes in an outward direction.

  Boron/Silicon Carbide ceramic is one of the hardest materials known to man. It has been used to make ballistic armor plates since 1986. Typically, it is used in bulletproof vests as well as tank armor. Upon hitting the ceramic, a bullet will shatter into pieces.

  Titanium is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratio. It is a strong metal with low density. It has a relatively high melting point (more than 3,000 °F). It is non magnetic and has low electrical and thermal conductivity. Some titanium alloys achieve tensile strengths of over 200,000 psi.

  Beryllium is a hard metal. The modulus of elasticity is approximately 50% greater than steel. Beryllium is two-thirds the density of aluminum. By weight, Beryllium has six times the specific stiffness of steel and Beryllium is non-magnetic.

  Reactive armor is a type of material that reacts in some way to the impact of a high kinetic projectile to reduce the damage done. The most common type is explosive reactive armor (ERA), but different types include self-limiting explosive reactive armor (SLERA), non-energetic reactive armor (NERA), and non-explosive reactive armor (NxRA). The new foam plastic pain
t is a combination of all of these types. If damaged in battle, a new coat can be painted on top and it is combat ready in minutes.

  The TALOS unit is powered by a small atomic battery pack using a new technology no one has heard of. This power system just popped out of nowhere. These little batteries have over a one year operating life and never need charging. The atomic batteries provide the energy to power the electrical - hydraulic servo systems that make movement possible and super feats of strength.

  “Yeah, the Talos Warrior units are really incredible. I’ve seen them close up. Only the Special Forces use them.”

  Walker said, “Tell everyone we’re stopping up ahead for fuel and food.”

  It would be a welcomed break since we had been driving three hours already. I got on my radio and advised the convoy as we pulled into a gas station which had a street car diner. The sign above it simply read: ‘SALLY’s DINER’.

  It was a dust-covered little diner out in the middle of nowhere. There were two gas pumps and one for diesel. Behind the diner was a little ranch house.

  “Where do you get the gas from?” I asked.

  “This is Texas, man. We got no gas shortages here. Let’s go in and get some chow. Sally makes the best beef steaks in Texas.” Walker replied.

  “I haven’t had a steak in months.”

  “We don’t have beef shortages either in Texas.”

  The diner was your typical street car diner from 70 years ago. It wasn’t very new, but it was clean. The little mushroom stools at the counter and the seats in the booths were red plastic and every single one had cracks in it from wear. The counter and tabletops definitely showed signs of extreme use.

  As we walked in the door Walker yelled, “Sally honey, I brought you some customers.”

  Sally was a woman in her late thirties with blond hair and a nice figure. She had a real Texas twang to her voice. The dry air and hot sun had taken a toll on her skin, which showed premature wrinkles, but she was still a handsome woman.

  Sally ran out from behind the counter and gave Walker a big hug and a peck on the cheek. “Howdy, Captain. What y’all gonna eat.” It was clear that Walker and Sally were more than just good friends.

  “Round up beef steaks for everyone, with all the fixin’s, Sally.”

  “How many?”

  The Captain nudged me and I replied, “We’ll need thirty steaks.” I included a steak for each dog.

  “Wow, that’s gonna wipe me out of steaks.”

  This was going be a long pit stop. All of our men filed in for lunch, filling the little diner. No one talked much because everyone was tired and hungry. When the steaks came out the men gobbled them down, like a starving wolfs. Maggie and Adam took a couple of steaks out to the dogs.

  After chowing down the great food, Captain Walker put the whole bill on his tab. I gave Sally a three hundred dollar tip, which she well deserved.

  Checking the time, as we pulled away, I noted we spent two hours eating. It was time well spent because my men were tired from being on the road all night. It was a good rest stop giving everyone much needed energy to continue on.

  Still riding with Walker, I commented, “Thanks a lot for picking up the tab. That was great food. Good steaks are hard to come by in Florida.”

  “It’s my pleasure to show you some Texas hospitality. Sally makes a great steak and grilled potato dinner. If you don’t have beef in Florida, what do y’all eat?”

  “We got beef, but not much of it. We mostly eat fish, chicken, and sometimes a pig. We grow our own fruit and vegetables.”

  “Fish! Damn, I couldn’t live on that.”

  I laughed. “You get use to it when that’s all there is.”

  Walker laughed and said, “Not me. Pig and chicken is ok, but not fish. I can’t stand the smell, nor the taste.”

  I changed the subject. “Captain, are you related to Sam Walker?”

  “You know about Texas history?”

  “A little bit. I know Sam Walker was the Ranger who helped invent the Walker-Colt pistol.”

  “Yep, I am related to him. I’m also part Comanche Indian. That’s one reason I wanted to come on this trip. I got relatives at the Nation, whom I haven’t seen in a while. So I’m kinda curious why y’all are going there.”

  Now I had to tell Walker why we were going to the Comanche Nation. I couldn’t lie about it. Since he was part Comanche, maybe he could help us out.

  “Ok, I’ll tell you more about our mission. Adam, my adopted grandson, was given an artifact from his real grandfather when he passed away. This artifact gives clues as to where the long lost Templars treasure is hidden. It also tells what’s in the treasure.”

  “What kinda artifact?”

  “It’s a sword, called the Sword of Jerusalem.”

  I paused for a minute waiting for a reply from James. “You got my attention. Go ahead.”

  “The clues are very vague. However, so far I’ve managed to guess that the Templar Knights brought the treasure to Arizona. On top of that they had to travel through Comanche country.”

  “What year did this happen?”

  “Near as we can tell it was 1300 A.D. when they came here.”

  Walker said, “I doubt anyone will have information going back that far. They didn’t keep written records. But we can ask the Medicine man if he ever heard about the Templars coming through their territory.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “Hell yes, he’s my Uncle. He also runs the Comanche Nation Museum.”

  “That’s amazing. We run into you and find the man we need to talk to is your uncle. God must be watching over us.”

  “Jack, tell me, what’s the Templar treasure?”

  “It’s the lost treasure of King Solomon. We believe it contains the Ark of the Covenant.”

  “You mean the gold box that contained the Ten Commandments?”

  “Well, we’re not a hundred percent sure, but the sword says it was part of the treasure.”

  Captain Walker sat there speechless, just nodding his head as he drove us to Wichita Falls.

  I dozed off and not much was said after that exchange. Before I knew it, Captain Walker woke me up. “Pit stop, up ahead.”

  I rubbed my eyes and sat up wondering how far away we were from the Nation. I picked up my radio and advised everyone we were stopping up ahead.

  While refueling, Walker met Billy Bob, and while they shook hands, I noticed that they had similar facical features. In the bright sunlight their skin color was also comparable. They both had high cheek bones and dark eyes. They were about the same size and their posture was high and straight. I studied them and was amazed how much they resembled each other.

  We arrived at the Comanche Nation at 8 pm without any incidents. The sun was setting as our trucks rolled to a stop at the gate. Ten armed men greeted us as Walker got out and shook their hands. A few of them gave a typical Indian whoop and yelled ‘Tu Puuku.’ They all seemed to know him and I stood there watching as they exchanged greetings speaking in their native tongue.

  Walker didn’t bother to introduce me to any of the guards and told me that we could make camp at an empty lot near his Uncle’s house. We got back in his police car and the guards, who all wore cowboy hats with two long strands of braided hair hanging down their backs, waved us past the road block.

  While we were setting up camp, Walker said, “I’m gonna talk to my Uncle. Ranger Smith and I will sleep at his house tonight, so we’ll see you in the morning. You’ll be safe here tonight.”

  “Ok, whatever you say, Captain.”

  As Captain Walker and Ranger Smith walked away, Baldwin moseyed over and asked, “Where are they going?”

  “They’re going to his Uncle’s house tonight. He said we’d be safe here.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m still posting guards.”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, I agree.”

  Everyone was hot, tired, and hungry from the long 15 hour trip. I just wanted to clean up, eat, and hit the hay. M
aggie came over and asked, “Where can we get cleaned up at?”

  I replied, “I don’t have any idea. Where are the dogs?”

  “Billy Bob has them over there; doing their business away from everyone.” Maggie pointed them out about 100 yards away.

  Billy jogged over to us with the dogs. “Jack, there’s a motel down the street. Maybe we can get a few rooms for the night.”

  “Good idea. Maggie, take some money and go over there with Billy. See if you can get twelve rooms for two days. Then we’ll be able to take a shower and sleep in a bed.”

  Maggie said, “That sounds good to me.” Billy handed me the dog leashes and they walked towards the motel, a good half mile away.

  While they were gone I heated some MREs for the dogs and me. Maggie quickly returned, advising that they were able to get fourteen rooms. She went around and passed out room keys to the Knights.

  It was a nice little place called the Comanche Nation Motel. The rooms were plain and the furniture was old. It wasn’t a Hilton, but I didn’t mind because it was better than sleeping on the ground or in a truck. We’d be doing enough of that on this journey.

  All of us took a much needed shower and we felt human again. It’s funny how great a shower can feel. The well water had a little sulfur smell to it, but I didn’t mind the stink.

  I went outside and cracked open a bottle of JD, which I had been saving. I poured a shot and lit up a smoke. Adolf and Freda were sitting at my feet. Driving just poops me out and a shot of whiskey or two would relax me, so I could sleep.

  We ended up sleeping in one room with two double beds. Adam and I had one, and Maggie the other. Billy slept on the floor with the dogs.


  APRIL, 26, 2026

  I heard the rooster crow and opened my eyes. It was still dark, as I glanced at my watch, it was 4 am. That damn rooster wouldn’t shut up so I got out of bed, took another shower, and went out for a smoke. I peered down the street at our convoy and decided to walk down there to find some coffee. Passing by the motel office, I saw a person was up and moving about.